$59.00 USD

Alchemy Strength Bundle - Foot Health

Experience 8 Full Body Strength Workouts that dive deep into the biomechanics of the foot and help you to connect from the ground up!

If you are looking to understand more about the foot and how to integrate it into your workouts so you don’t have to spend extra time on specific foot drills then you will love this bundle.


 What's Included:

  •  8 of my very favorite pre-recorded live workouts geared towards foot biomechanics, with feedback, cueing, and answering participants questions.
    •  Workout 1: Eccentric control, Big Toe Mobility and Flow Movement
    •  Workout 2: Foot Contact Points Driving IR and ER and Connecting to the Breath
    •  Workout 3: Full body Pronation and Supination + Plyometric Variations
    •  Workout 4: Pelvic Floor and Foot Connection + Hip Locking
    •  Workout 5: Finding the Mid-Foot and Releasing the Pelvic Floor
    •  Workout 6: Knee Health, Pronation, Tibial IR, Unlocking Hips, Loading Tissues
    •  Workout 7: Pronation and Hip Stability to Prevent Knee Irritation
    •  Workout 8: Bonus Class, Foot, Pelvis, and Upper Cervical Connection
  •  Lifetime access so you can do them over and over again.