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Scapulothoracic Foundations

A 3 phase approach to shoulder mechanics designed to build, strength, control, and optimal pressure management in just 10 minutes a day. 

What you'll get:

  • Educational Videos and Shoulder Anatomy Breakdown
  • 3 Phases, 15 Foundations, 60 Exercises
  • Videos and Explanations of All of the Exercises
  • Lifetime Access


Shoulder Biomechanics and Assessment Webinar

3 Alchemy Strength Workout Recordings:

  1. Workout 1 - Shoulder ROM, Pec Minor and Subscapularis Release
  2. Workout 2 - Shoulder and Neck Love
  3. Workout 3 - Create Expansion and Use It. Thoracic Mobility + Hip Extension

A Library of Accessory Strength Exercise Examples