Understand how compensations create leaks in our body's pressure management system.
Katie will break down 3 common leaks: Hernias, Diastasis, Prolapse, and provide you with specific examples of breathing drills and strength exercises to help your clients and yourself.
Develop a lens for seeing the human body as a fluid filled sac that is capable of changing shape based on our unique adaptations.
Understand hernias and the most common presentations we see in both males and females.
Understand different types of pelvic organ prolapse and be able to identify risk factors so you can help your clients manage their symptoms within their programming. 40% of women develop prolapse.
Understand Diastasis and the different areas where it can occur as well as risk factors.
- Understand why position and shape of our bodies may cause us to develop these leaks.
- Breakdown extension pattern and sway back posture and understand how to improve these postures to prevent or help with these leaks.
- Learn to test for areas of compression and ways to improve possible areas.
- Go over specific areas for each area of compression, including: Posterior Thorax (high and low), Anterior Thorax (high and mid), Posterior Pelvis, and Sway Back Postures (specific exercises for rectus dominance.) Playlist is included.
- Understand the role of non contractile tissue, impacts of estrogen, and how to train to improve their responsiveness.
- How long is the Webinar?
The recording is 70 minutes long.
- Will I have unlimited access?
Yes - it's a one-time purchase with lifetime access!