Lumbo Pelvic Foundations

Maximizing Position, Strength, and Breath for Optimal Control

I'm Ready to Get Started

Our pelvis has the ability to move in many different ways, which is why it can be so difficult to control and also, why we can experience nagging irritations during exercise and when we are just walking, standing, or sitting. 

  • If you are sick of trying to figure out what is causing irritations like lower back pain, sciatica, SI pain, Impingment, etc...
  • If you are looking to gain more awareness and become familiar with what is happing in your own UNIQUE body...
  • If you are tired of passive options like massage, therapy, foam rolling, etc.... because they aren't working or improving the pain.

...Then chances are, you're missing an integral part!

We need to help our nervous system feel confident about the movements available to us at our pelvis, through graded exposure and practical guided application.

So, if you've recognized that your active participation and daily commitment is essential for improvement and you are ready to start...

This is the course for you!

This course is designed to fit into your busy life and build day to day and week to week. You do not have to spend hours at the gym, just 10 minutes a day to make a huge impact! 

What can I expect?

This course will have 3 phases, starting with the sagittal plane (front to back), progressing to frontal plane (side to side) and finally moving to transverse plane (rotating). In each phase there will be 6 foundations. Think of the foundations as stepping stones that require just a tiny bit more awareness and control. Each foundation has 3 exercises. The exercises are broken into 3 categories, Supine (face up), Prone (face down), and Standing. All exercises incorporate breath to maximize their effectiveness for expansion and compression and optimal muscle activity and movement. For each exercise you will do 3-5 sets of 3-5 breaths. Each foundation should take about 10 minutes

How much time do I need to commit?

I would recommend committing to 5-7 days a week of 10 minutes in order to get the most out of the program and to create consistency. If you are super excited and an overachiever you can definitely do the foundations more than once a day. If you struggle to find even 5 minutes a day, you can also split the foundations up and do 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening.

Once you feel you have mastered a foundation you can move onto the next, but I recommend not skipping any, even if it is easy for you. Some of the foundations may take 1 day and some may take 4 or 5 depending on your own particular alignment. Practicing basics over and over again helps us to own a position so it is perfectly fine to stay on a foundation even after you have mastered it. In total there are 18 foundations so the course could take you anywhere from 18 days to months, depending on your own needs as well as your time, and adherence. Also, be aware that our daily habits and exercise strategies can make some foundations more difficult to master.

If this sounds like the perfect course for you and you are ready to commit to building a strong, resilient body, then click below!

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